Common burdock
June 5, 2015
Arctium minus (Hill) Bernh. Asteraceae (Aster family)
Life cycle
Young common burdock plant (left). Mature common burdock plant (right).
Plant forms a large-leaved basal rosette in the first year. Leaves are large, alternate, wavy and broadest at the base with hollow petioles. The upper leaf surface is dark green; the undersurface is light green and woolly.
Hollow, hairy, grooved stems elongate from the rosette during the second year. Stems are branched and can grow to 5 feet tall.
Flowers and fruit
Purple flower heads are encircled by hook-like bracts that dry to form a bur. The seed is enclosed in the burs, which make dissemination easy by attaching to fur or clothing.
Common burdock flowers and fruit.
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