Michigan Private Applicator Core Training Manual
June 8, 2012
Publication information
MSU manual number: E-3007KITP
- Prepared by: MSU Pesticide Safety Education Program and National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
- Prepares you for: Michigan private and registered technician exams.
- Date New: December 2007
- Size: 65-page Michigan Private Applicator Core Manual Addendum and the 238-page National Pesticide Applicator Certfication Core Manual sold as a set.
- Cost & availability: $30.00. This manual kit must be purchased from the National Pesticide Safety Education Center and is not available as a free PDF.
Sharing our bulletins with other states. The MSU Pesticide Education Program generally allows free use of information in our bulletins in government and Extension publications. However, we ask that you contact our office at safa@msu.edu or at 517-353-9903 for written permission, and include appropriate citations.