Sample Video Tutorial - dotCMS Tutorial: How to Edit Generic Content

Video Transcript

Welcome to this dotCMS website training for how to edit a container of content on your
Now we're going to assume that you already know how to edit and lock your webpage, which
has already been applied for this particular webpage.
Page is locked and we're already in editing mode and now we want to edit this container
of content on the page.
And to do that, we need to click on this pencil symbol.
And this is going to open up our content generic dashboard.
First thing that we need to do is click on this lock for editing button.
That means that nobody else who might be editing our website would be able to access this content
at the same time.
And now I can take whatever actions I might like to actually edit this content.
Let's say for example, I want to remove this last row of text on the page.
Now I need to take an action to either save or save and publish my content.
If I saved my content, it's going to save this content to the backend and keep this
content locked.
For my purposes, if I'm not going to take any other actions to actually publish this
content at this time, I need to also click on this release lock button so that anyone
else on my website who is making edits to the site can access this content.
Now let's say for example, I'm going to make edits to this page, which I've already ... we'll
assume that I've already done that.
And then I want to take the action to save and publish my content.
I'm going to click on that button.
And you're going to notice that it automatically locked my page because I am pushing this content
live onto my site.
In order to check to see that that actually happened, I need to click the X button here
to close out of my container window and then I can select for save and publish for my web
Those are two actions that you need to take.
You need to save and publish your container, and then you also need to save and publish
your page.
And that then unlocks this page that you also locked at the beginning of the process.
And that's how you lock and unlock your container to make edits to it.