• 4-H club fundraiser flyer checklist

    Published on January 30, 2018
    Follow this checklist to ensure your 4-H fundraiser flyer meets Michigan 4-H guidelines.

  • When will you use a W-9 as a 4-H group?

    Published on January 19, 2018
    A few tips for 4-H groups on when and how to use a W-9.

  • Teaching experiential learning: Resources and tools

    Published on January 16, 2018
    Michigan 4-H youth are developing skills and gaining knowledge in projects that interest them. Let’s explore resources and tools available to help parents and volunteers make learning intentional.

  • Responsible social media activities

    Published on January 11, 2018
    Michigan 4-H has new activities that help youth and adults think about being responsible in online environments.

  • Teaching life skills: Resources and tools

    Published on January 9, 2018
    Michigan 4-H youth are learning life skills. Let’s explore some resources and tools that are available to help parents and volunteers make teaching life skills easier.

  • Delegation made easy

    Published on January 5, 2018
    Afraid to delegate? Just answer these three questions to get started.

  • Boundaries have benefits

    Published on January 5, 2018
    Setting boundaries may be difficult but they yield benefits.

  • The art of providing feedback

    Published on January 5, 2018
    Feedback can help us improve our skills and attitudes but it can be difficult to give and receive. These tips can help you offer the type of feedback that makes communities stronger.

  • Tips for setting boundaries

    Published on January 5, 2018
    Boundaries allow us to cope with the realities of life, find balance and happiness, and keep our priorities in check.

  • Redefining boundaries

    Published on January 5, 2018
    Boundaries can change as situations and people change.