• Volunteers without science backgrounds can teach science to kids

    Published on July 22, 2014
    In 4-H, everyone can help young people learn science. Remember these concepts when recruiting new volunteers to teach science.

  • Learning to set goals is a life skill

    Published on July 16, 2014
    Life skills help youth navigate life successfully. Learning how to set goals and work to achieve them is one of the skills that youth need to learn.

  • Gaining the respect of young people

    Published on July 11, 2014
    While the phrase “respect your elders” has been used for centuries, true respect must be earned. How can adults earn the respect of young people?

  • Fairs and Festivals – great places to promote agriculture and utilize many resources

    Published on July 9, 2014
    County fairs and local festivals provide a great venue for promoting agriculture to consumers. With advance planning you can provide exhibits which tell consumers about agriculture and expand on it as other volunteers decide to join in to help.

  • Fairs and Festivals – great places to promote agriculture in expanded ways

    Published on July 9, 2014
    County fairs and local festivals provide a great venue for promoting agriculture to consumers. With advance planning you can provide exhibits which tell consumers about agriculture and expand on it as other volunteers decide to join in to help.

  • Fairs and Festivals – great places to promote agriculture

    Published on July 9, 2014
    County fairs and local festivals provide a great venue for promoting agriculture to consumers. With advance planning you can provide exhibits which tell consumers about agriculture and expand on it as other volunteers decide to join in to help.

  • Seven motivations for giving

    Published on July 8, 2014
    In our fast-pace world, it can be hard to slow down and think about the needs of others. However, it is important as community members and parents that we take time to teach our youth the importance of giving.

  • Making the best match

    Published on July 7, 2014
    Successful mentoring relies on a long-term relationship between the mentor and mentee. How can mentoring programs create matches that are likely to last?

  • Summer steps to help prepare for college admission

    Published on July 7, 2014
    Before summer turns into fall, get a head start on the college application process with these helpful tips.

  • Engage youth to recruit new mentors

    Published on June 24, 2014
    Many young people spend long periods of time on mentoring program waiting lists due to a lack of available mentors to fill the need. Youth initiated mentoring can help many of these young people find mentors more quickly and lead to greater impact.