Megan McManus

Megan McManus

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Farm to Institution Specialist, Center for Regional Food Systems
Department of Community Sustainability


As the Farm to Institution Specialist, Megan’s work centers around collaborative, statewide efforts to support the outreach, research, and coordination of farm to institution projects at CRFS, including the Michigan Farm to Institution Network and Cultivate Michigan. She also supports Michigan farm to school efforts through projects such as the evaluation of the 10 Cents a Meal program and state coordination of the Lake Michigan School Food Systems Innovation Hub 

Prior to joining CRFS, Megan served as a graduate research assistant while earning her master’s in Horticulture with an Emphasis in Urban Food Systems from Kansas State University. During this time, Megan also served as the program coordinator for Growing Growers Kansas City where she worked with partners across the region to coordinate beginning farmer education and support the Beginning Farmer Wholesale Project. Megan’s family comes from a rich history of Filipino immigrant farm workers in California and CHamoru farmers Indigenous to the Mariana Islands, which influenced her career shift from healthcare to working on a small, urban farm before arriving at CRFS.