Adult Session Support

Michigan State University Extension 4-H Youth Program

Adult Session Support


Role Description for 4-H Exploration Days


To support a statewide pre-college event featuring a variety of diverse sessions that appeal to youth ages 12-19 years of age..   


Time Required:

  • June event times during sessions or free time activities.
  • Complete the Volunteer Central Learning Module “Working With Youth” Training.  



Session Support can be any one of the following individuals: 

  • MSU/MSU Extension Staff person teaching as part of their official MSU role or 
  • A volunteer who has completed the MSU Extension Volunteer Selection Process, be accepted as a volunteer, enrolled in 4-HOnline, and in the Active Gold Volunteer Central activity status.
  • This individual can either be appointed by the lead instructor or can be assigned by 4-H Exploration Days staff. 
  • Complete Session Instructor training (optional)
  • A willingness to become familiar with and work within the philosophy and guidelines of the MSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Program.
  • The ability to teach or assist young people ages 12-19 years of age.  
  • A sincere interest in working with youth, other volunteers and professional staff in an educational setting.
  • Good verbal and/or written communication skills, openness to work with all youth from all racial, ethnic, gender identities, etc.  



  • Submit required pre-event paperwork for registration and housing. 
  • Attend the entire session, arriving at least 15 minutes before it is scheduled to begin. 
  • Be prepared to teach (if recruited by lead session instructor) or assist the session instructor during all scheduled session times 
  • Check in with the session instructor during the session to see if they need any assistance.
  • Take attendance at class and submit at the beginning of the session 
  • If serving as session support for a field trip, meet the bus at the loading zone, and take attendance to ensure all participants all accounted for. If any are missing, report before the bus leaves. Ride with the bus for the field trip, take attendance before the bus leaves the field trip location to ensure all participants are accounted for and ride bus/van back to campus. If there are several stops on the trip, attendance should be taken at each bus loading to ensure all participants are accounted for before departing a site.  
  • Assist with supporting a positive youth development experience by coaching youth to modify behavioral disruptions, and report behavioral concerns to Exploration Days Headquarters, if necessary. 


  • Will be provided meals for the days supporting a session and, if one chooses to attend the event, their cost will be reduced to $120 for lodging for both nights
  • Experience the satisfaction of contributing to the positive growth of youth
  • Grow personal leadership and communication skills
  • Gain respect and gratitude of members, volunteers, parents, and the community
  • Receive recognition for your contributions


Boundaries and Parameters:


  • Session Supports must be MSU Extension Gold Level Volunteers or MSU Extension employees. 


  • Classroom locations are throughout campus; parking, room temperature, and accessibility are all different so flexibility is important.


Michigan 4-H Staff agree to:

  • Provide training opportunities that will help the volunteer fulfill his/her responsibilities as a 4-H Exploration Days Adult Session Support
  • Have professionals available to listen to volunteers' ideas to help improve the 4-H program
  • Provide appropriate recognition and awards to volunteers