Matthew Baker, University of Michigan
Ernesto Camelo de Castro, Arizona State University
Tom Carlson, Montana State University
Patrice Cole, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Russell Feagin, Texas A & M University
Robert Fletcher, Iowa State University
Todd Hawbaker, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Christopher Hiemstra, University of Wyoming
Teresa Hollingsworth, University of Alaska-Fairbanks
Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Wildlife Institute of India
Pey-Yi Lee, University of California-Riverside
Christopher Lepczyk, Michigan State University
Robert McDonald, Duke University
Monique Rocca, Duke University
Denise Royle, Rutgers University
Robert Scheller, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kristi Simpson, Clemson University
Matthew Thomas, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Luigi Torretti, Northern Michigan University
Kerrie Wilson, Univeristy of Melbourne