
US Regions: Forest Carbon & Climate Adaptation

US Regions: Forest Carbon & Climate Adaptation (formally known as FCCP Intensive: US Regions) provides geographic and species-specific content for a chosen US region: Pacific Northwest US, Northeast US, or Southeast US. The courses feature a series of original maps and figures created using spatial analyses and FIA data, to illustrate status and trends of regional forests and forest carbon dynamics.

Each intensive regional course consists of the following learning topics:

  1. Forest Background: Forest introduction, overview of markets and economy, forest dynamics and carbon trends
  2. Climate Change & Forest Disturbance: Overview of climate change and its impacts on forest dynamics
  3. Carbon & Climate Impacts by Forest Type: Subregional trends and ecological forest types, cover type groups and species-specific examples
  4. Adaptive Management Strategies: Common management challenges and objectives, concepts for forest management, and strategies and approaches for climate mitigation

Recommended Prerequisite:

Some knowledge of forestry and/or forest carbon science will be helpful for this learning experience. While it is possible to take this intensive course separately, we recommend it as a supplement to one of the following programs:

View the Registration and Course Policies page for additional information on course purchase instructions, refunds, and completion requirements.


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This course is offered three times per year according to the schedule below. Participants can register at any time, but we recommend busy professionals give themselves 1-3 weeks to complete the course. The course must be completed during the access window. 

  • January 9–April 9
  • May 9–August 9
  • September 9–December 9

Please specify during registration which US region and course period you would like to join. 



  • Online 

Time Required: 

  • ~4-5.5 hours
  • Self-paced

Intended Audience: 

  • Natural resource professionals; extension agents
  • All interested individuals are invited to participate 

Additional Certifications

SAF: This course is approved for 4 category 1 hours. 

ISA: This course is approved by ISA for CEUs in the following categories: ISA BCMA Science (2), ISA Certified Arborist (4), Management (2), Municipal Specialist (1.5).

More Information:

Email for more information. 

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