General Info

Join Sanilac 4-H

4-H Join the Club
4-H is the largest youth development organization in the world, with a vast number of learning experiences in a variety of interest areas. Our organization’s motto is “Make the best better.” We accomplish this by providing youth with opportunities to build life skills through educational, hands-on learning experiences in a safe and fun environment.

We are very pleased that you and your family have chosen to begin your 4-H experience. We hope that you have fun, make new friends and gain knowledge in many areas. There are many opportunities that you can take advantage of at the club, county, state, national and international level. 

The first step to becoming a 4-H member is to find and select a 4-H club and complete enrollment. Once you have selected a club, complete the online enrollment with

Your club leader will provide you with information about scheduled club meetings, projects and activities. Additionally, you will receive updates about opportunities related to your project areas from the staff in our office. Because of the size and complexity of the organization, you may have questions that arise from time to time, please don’t hesitate to ask an experienced 4-H family, call your club leader or contact the MSU Extension office at 810-648-2515. We all understand that there is so much to learn the first year and would like to help in any way we can. 

It is great to have you as part of the Michigan State University Extension’s 4-H Youth Development Program!

4-H Online Volunteer Guide  
4-H Online Re-enrollment Process

All returning 4-H members and volunteers are requested to enroll and pay their annual participation fee by December 1.  All new 4-H members and volunteers must enroll online and pay their annual participation fee prior to the established deadline of June 1 to participate in the 4-H division at this year's Sanilac County 4-H Fair.

Enrollments received after the deadline will not be eligible to enter the Sanilac County Fair. The parental information section needs to be completed when a member enters 4-H and updated when there are any changes. Make sure to select all project areas that you intend to enroll in. Member’s enrollment is not complete without receipt of the annual participation fee. 

Please note, that MSU Extension will not turn away a youth participant based on their ability to pay the participation fee.  If a family is unable to afford the participation fee, and the local 4-H club they are enrolled in is not able to cover participation fees for members through fundraising, then the family is encouraged to contact the 4-H Program Coordinator in writing to request assistance with the fee.  Although there is not a designated fund for this purpose, the 4-H Program Coordinator will assist the family in securing local sponsorship for the fee.