• Heads In, Hearts In: Five Outside

    Published on January 8, 2021
    Mindfulness can easily be practiced outside. In this activity, you’ll go outside to practice mindfulness using your five senses and each of the fingers on one hand. Remember, your five senses include sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Mindful Walking

    Published on January 8, 2021
    In this activity, you will take a walk and practice slowing down and trying mindful noticing. The goal is not to complete the activity quickly or to notice the most things.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    Published on January 8, 2021
    In this activity, you will practice progressive muscle relaxation, a mindfulness technique in which you intentionally tense up muscles in your body so that when you relax them, you notice and remember what it feels like to have your muscles be relaxed.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Mindful Eating

    Published on January 8, 2021
    In this activity, you will practice mindful eating. The goal of mindful eating is to eat slowly using all of your senses. This activity will challenge you to slow down, eat with mindful attention and focus your energy on the present moment.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Circle Breathing

    Published on January 8, 2021
    In this activity, you will use the “Circle Breathing” handout to learn a technique for connecting breathing to visual and hands-on learning.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Calming Jar

    Published on January 8, 2021
    In this activity, you will make a calming jar with the child. As you make the calming jar, let the child choose the colors and add the ingredients.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Mindful Dice

    Published on January 8, 2021
    In this activity, you will roll a die and practice a mindfulness activity that goes with each number on the die. You will learn six mindfulness activities you can use when you feel overwhelmed or stressed.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Full Body Stretching

    Published on January 8, 2021
    In this activity, you will stretch your whole body while engaging in intentional, slow breathing paired with movements.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Mindfulness Full Activity Book

    Published on January 8, 2021
    A Delivery Approach to Mindfulness Programming – Mindfulness Activities are designed to help Michigan State University Extension staff members to involve partners in facilitating a family enrichment program around the topic of early childhood education.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Head to Toe

    Published on January 8, 2021
    In this activity, you will teach the child a technique for feeling calm by doing a head-to-toe body scan. A body scan is like a check-in with your body to see if you are holding tension in your muscles.