Current Graduate Students

MSU and the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) offer a variety of resources for graduate students. Additionally, the MSU Student Information System is an important place to access academic records, resources and tools.  See this help document for navigating the new SIS-Campus Solution GradPlan system.

MSU Graduate Student Handbook & Guidelines

A horticulture grad student works with a faculty member in an MSU greenhouse.

MSU Graduate Student Forms & Applications

CANR Information

Typically, your CANR faculty advisor or the graduate director for your program can help you resolve academic concerns. The graduate secretary in your department is often a good resource for questions about enrollment, assistantships and payroll.

The CANR works to facilitate opportunities for all of our graduate students, and is proactive about creating an inclusive and equitable environment for graduate education. To see some of the ways in which CANR works toward equity in our graduate programs, visit Office of Culture, Access and Belonging for more resources.

About CANR

CANR Department Information

Familiarize with individual CANR department handbook as certain requirements may differ by CANR department. CANR department/school information may include:

  • Department seminars and workshops
  • Academic Program Plan forms and deadlines
  • Guidance Committee forms and deadlines
  • Annual Reviews
  • Time extensions for comp exams or entire program
  • Medical withdrawal or leave of absence
  • W2 and W4 employment tax forms

CANR Awards

Travel and Research Enhancement Instructions

If you are presenting your research at a professional conference, please apply for Travel funding. Limit of $400 approved during period of graduate program.

If you need financial assistance with your research experience, such as attending a workshop for learning new techniques or ideas, data collection, short courses or laboratory rotations, please apply for Research Enhancement funding. Limit of one request during period of graduate program. Typically $500-1000 provided.

Process to Apply for Funding

  • Fully complete the appropriate form and attach the required additional information.
  • Get the necessary signatures (major professor, department chair, school director) within the department or school.
  • Send form to the Office of Academics and Student Affairs (OASA) through campus mail, email a PDF to or drop off at Morrill Hall of Agriculture in room 121.

OASA staff will evaluate the request, provide the Associate Dean's approval, allocate CANR funding (if available), and send the form on to the Graduate School for review.

OASA and the Graduate School will inform the department of the approved funding.