General Info

How to Join 4-H

If you are interested in joining 4-H in Clinton County, please contact Corissa Harris at the Clinton County MSU Extension office at (989) 224-5227.

4-H State Events

4-H Links

2024 Scholarship Information

Clinton County 4-H Newsletters

What does 4-H offer?

  • For kids, 4-H offers fun learning opportunities through 4-H clubs, afterschool programs, and local, state and international events.
  • For older teens, 4-H offers opportunities to set goals, develop strategies to reach those goals, and take leadership for sharing their skills, knowledge and talents to make their communities stronger.
  • For adults, 4-H offers research-based support and training in age-appropriate learning methods and materials to help plan activities and projects for young people in safe, nurturing environments.

Clinton County 4-H Trips

The 4-H Council sponsors a trip program for all active 4-H members. This program is unique to Clinton County and has existed in some form for many years. Every year, each 4-H member may earn the opportunity to participate in a trip that is planned especially for their grade by meeting some basic criteria. 

The criteria for earning a trip is that youth must: 

  • Be enrolled in a Clinton County 4-H Club 
  • Complete at least one project during the program year
  • Participate in a minimum of 50% of the general meetings of their local 4-H club 
  • Participate in a helping job at the Fair
  • Completion of the annual 4-H Member Year-End Report in September

Youth must also be enrolled in a Clinton County 4-H club at the time they participate in the trip.



For more information on details of this year's 2024 Trips, click HERE. 

Contact Us

Corissa Harris—4-H Program Coordinator
Ashley Foster —Support Staff

Social Media