News and Events

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  • Expiring Products – Cosmetics

    Published on April 27, 2020
    Did you know cosmetic products can expire? In this post, we cover the basics of cosmetic product expiration dates.

  • Expiring Products – Food & Ingredients

    Published on April 20, 2020
    Did you know foods, even shelf-stable foods like flour and canned foods, can expire? In this post, we cover the basics around food and ingredient expiration dates.

  • COVID-19: Myth or Fact?

    Published on April 6, 2020
    There is a lot of confusing information around COVID-19 & the novel coronavirus circulating on the Internet & social media forums. In this edition, we separate the myths from the facts.

  • COVID-19: Food & Ingredient Safety

    Published on March 30, 2020
    As we’ve seen in recent weeks, our supply chain, especially our food supply chain, is paramount to keeping society fed and safe. But how do we know that food is safe from COVID-19?

  • COVID-19 – Cleaning vs. Disinfecting

    Published on March 23, 2020
    It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all of the information online, so we put together this post to help you safely clean and disinfect your home.

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Case Studies, Responses, & Publications

Cooking oils

Cosmetic Ingredients 

COVID-19 Topics

Cultivated Meat & Seafood

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Essential oils

Expiring Products 


Food Ingredients 


How To Series

Insect Repellent

Labeling & Regulations


Plant-based proteins


Prebiotics & Probiotics

Real-time Science

Risk & Hazard Assessment 

Special Editions & In the News



Trace Contaminants and Residues 

Trending Ingredients

Toxicological Concepts 
