News and Events

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  • Summer Staple – Zinc Oxide

    Published on June 17, 2019
    In this post, we’ll be exploring zinc oxide, a common ingredient we use all summer.

  • GRAS – What are GRAS ingredients?

    Published on June 10, 2019
    In this post, we'll discuss one legislative element that works to safeguard our foods: Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) ingredients.

  • Risk – Using risk to make informed decisions

    Published on June 3, 2019
    In this post, we'll explore the role risk assessments, the precautionary principle, and how these concepts influence ingredient safety rules and regulations

  • Risk – What is risk?

    Published on May 28, 2019
    In this post, we'll explore the differences between hazard, exposure, and risk so you can make better, informed decisions around ingredient safety.

  • Preservatives – Exploring nitrate & nitrite safety

    Published on May 20, 2019
    We know preservatives help keep our foods fresh and safe, but what about specific preservative ingredients? In this post, we take an updated look at nitrates and nitrites in our foods and explore the safety around these ingredients.

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