News and Events

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  • Trending – Food Contamination

    Published on August 7, 2023
    A new, trending food-focused documentary ( brought up many concerns about food contamination. In this post, we look at food safety and contamination.

  • Trending – Borax

    Published on July 31, 2023
    A recent trend ( has taken over the Internet, and we've seen folks choose to drink borax. In this post, we look at the safety of borax and borax consumption.

  • Trending – Electrolytes

    Published on July 24, 2023
    As the heat ramps up in parts of the world, we look at the electrolytes added to many beverages and how they can help us remain healthy.

  • Trending – Sodium & Salt

    Published on July 18, 2023
    In this post, we look at a staple ingredient, sodium.

  • Insect Repellent – Permethrin

    Published on July 10, 2023
    In this post, we look at a community requested ingredient, Permethrin, a common insect repellent.

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Insect Repellent

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