• National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool helps farmers learn about air emissions from their farms

    Published on June 10, 2014
    Air emissions are becoming a big concern around the world, and increasing the interest in emissions from livestock operations. Livestock farmers should take the steps to better understand the pollutants emitted from their facilities.

  • Treating Metritis

    Published on June 9, 2014
    Metritis can reduce the reproductive and milking performance of fresh cows. It can be a costly disease and your first inclination from a hint of metritis may be to treat cows with an antibiotic. It’s time to review that inclination with your veterinarian.

  • Detecting uterine disease in your herd

    Published on June 9, 2014
    Metritis – oh that stinks! A fetid discharge from the vagina is a good way to detect Metritis, but what else can we be looking for?

  • Why so much metritis?

    Published on June 9, 2014
    Dealing with cows with metritis may be all too common on some farms. Why is the incidence so high? What causes this disease?

  • Preventing metritis

    Published on June 9, 2014
    The best tool against metritis is prevention. Prevention begins with an eye to observe factors that may reduce the immune response of animals or increase their exposure to bacteria and then doing something about it.

  • Unleashing a new type of 4-H dairy project: dairy animal leasing

    Published on June 6, 2014
    Do you know a youth who wants to participate in the dairy project but doesn’t own a dairy animal? Maybe leasing a heifer or cow could be an option for a whole new project!

  • Safely moving farm equipment on public roads can be a challenge

    Published on June 5, 2014
    Spring is crunch time for farmers trying to get their crops planted. A little patience and a few simple rules can assure it is not crash time for farm equipment and motorist.

  • Emergency response to manure spills – Are you prepared? Part 2

    Published on June 2, 2014
    In the case of any spill, particularly manure spills, livestock producers should familiarize themselves with the 4 C’s of Spill Response.

  • Values as part of environmental education

    Published on May 29, 2014
    Find out more about environmental education and how values play a role in environmental literacy and decision making. See how educators use values as a way to teach EE and help youth better understand how to be good earth stewards.

  • Do you want to eat an ice cream cone? Celebrate National Dairy Month

    Published on May 28, 2014
    June is National Dairy Month and what better way to celebrate than by enjoying delicious dairy products and visiting a local dairy farm through the Michigan State University Extension Breakfast on the Farm program.