Michigan 4-H Volunteer Webinar Series: 4-H Volunteers' Guide to Parliamentary Procedure

September 18, 2024 12:00PM - 1:00PM


Contact: Christine Heverly

A webinar series that will provide Michigan 4-H volunteers with a variety of learning opportunities to help them grow as a volunteer and support the Michigan 4-Her's. This session is: 4-H Volunteers' Guide to Parliamentary Procedure. Join us for an informative webinar designed specifically for 4-H volunteers! Learn the essentials of parliamentary procedure to effectively manage meetings, ensure fair decision-making, and empower youth leaders. This session will cover the fundamentals of motions, voting, and meeting protocols, providing you with the tools to support the youth in your group so they lead with confidence and clarity. Enhance your skills, foster order, and create a productive environment for your 4-H club.


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