Food Laws and Regulations in Canada

Course Code: FSC 814

Credits: 3 credits

This course examines the laws, regulations, and policies that govern food regulation in Canada. The emphasis is on federal laws, but also includes food regulation by provinces. Food law will be discussed with reference to the role of politics, cultural issues, ethics, social injustice issues, and science.  The course emphasizes the practical use and importance of food law to the food professional.

The course is taught by use of case studies, problem solving, class discussions, and review of current issues. Instruction will be completely online using D2L (Desire 2 Learn). The primary objective of this course is for students to understand the Canadian laws regulating food.

The course syllabus is subject to change each semester but generally covers the following topics:

  • History of food regulation in Canada
  • Constitutionality and regulatory framework
  • Food labeling
  • Nutritional labeling
  • Health claims
  • Front of Package Labeling
  • Advertising
  • Food safety regulations
  • Food fraud
  • Additives
  • Supplemented Foods
  • Food from recombinant DNA organisms
  • Natural health products
  • Importation and exportation of food
  • Government inspections
  • Government enforcement
  • International activities


This course is offered each spring semester.

Tips for first time enrollees:

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