Becoming a Volunteer

Thank you for your interest in the MSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program®!

The MSU Extension Master Gardener Program® is a volunteer program that trains, supports, and certifies MSU Extension Master Gardeners. Participants collaborate with MSU Extension, meet program requirements, and uphold our mission to educate communities on research-based horticulture science.

To join the program, individuals must complete the steps outlined below. However, Foundations of Gardening (FOG) is open to everyone, including those who do not wish to pursue further steps to apply to the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program.

Questions? or contact your local MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture Educator

Steps to Train and Apply to the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program

  1. Complete Foundations of Gardening (FOG)
    Enroll in the 10-week online course, successfully complete it, and receive a certificate of completion.
    This step is required before applying to become an MSU Extension volunteer.

  2. Apply to Become an MSU Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Volunteer
    Submit an application and complete the Volunteer Screening Process.
    Acceptance into the program is required to proceed.

  3. Attend a Local MSU Extension Onboarding Course
    Course details and registration information are provided in the FOG course.
    Dates vary by location, and some in-person participation is required.

  4. Complete Volunteer Service Requirements
    Engage in 40 hours of volunteer service within one year of completing the Onboarding Course.
    Service must be performed on an MSU Extension Master Gardener-approved project.

This program is a great fit if you:
  • Enjoy research-based training and instruction on horticulture topics and environmentally sound practices.
  • Want to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for gardening and educating others.
  • Are eager to improve the quality of life in Michigan and inspire others through service-based horticulture activities.

Note: Participants must be 18 years or older to enroll.


  • Access to MSU Extension Consumer Horticulture classes, webinars, workshops, events and field trips
  • Connections to MSU Extension and MSU faculty and staff
  • Opportunities to work with MSU Extension educators on statewide outreach, such as our Lawn and Garden Hotline and Smart Gardening outreach
  • Achievement recognition (e.g. Advanced EMG certification, hour milestones, recognition events)
  • Improving communities with others who have the same passion

Our Mission

Through their volunteer outreach, EMGs shared science-based, environmentally-sound gardening knowledge and engaged citizens and empowered communities in the following areas.

  • Environmentally responsible gardening practices
  • Improving food security 
  • Improving community and quality of life
  • Developing youth through gardening