• Organic Vegetable Pest Control Webinar

    Published on January 11, 2016

    Getting started with organic vegetable pest control.

  • Organic Certification

    Published on January 11, 2016

    Getting started with USDA organic certification.

  • Plant-based Enterprises Webinar

    Published on January 4, 2016

    Getting started with plant-based enterprises webinar.

  • Growing organic apples

    Growing organic apples in Michigan is a difficult thing to do. There are three major struggles: effective pest control for insects, diseases and weeds.

  • Organic Recordkeeping

    Learn from Joannée DeBruhl about key components of organic recordkeeping and how to be prepared for an organic inspection. Example recordkeeping systems and templates will be shared with participants.

  • Exploring Organic – Additional Certification Options

    Hear from three Michigan farmers about why they chose to pursue various certifications in addition to USDA Organic for their farm.

  • Is Organic Right for My Farm?

    Learn from a panel of farmers who are currently certified organic, or have been in the past, about their decisions to certify.