New bilingual video series aims to reduce the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria

Farm workers play a crucial role in reducing the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Screenshot of the series
The six part series in English and Spanish is available on YouTube.

Dairy workers play a critical role in helping to decrease the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria on farms. A new six-part video series, available in English and Spanish, covers topics including understanding farm pathogens, how antibiotic resistance affects animal and human health, personal protective equipment, and best practices for workers to follow. In total, the six videos are 30 minutes long.  

In collaboration with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Farm Safety Lab, the Antibiotic Stewardship Lab in the College of Veterinary Medicine developed these videos as a training tool for dairy workers. The employees who directly interact with cattle every day are at the highest risk for contacting pathogens present on dairy farms. By taking simple steps to reduce the spread of bacteria, these employees can prevent animals and people from contracting bacterial infections. This results in fewer antibiotics, and a decreased chance of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics.  

The Antibiotic Stewardship lab promotes evidence-based antibiotic usage for improved animal health. Lab members conduct and communicate research that helps dairy farmers maintain healthy cattle in a way that is both economically profitable and socially responsible. By developing and implementing practical strategies, they help farmers prevent infections bacterial diseases that may require antibiotic treatment.  

Other lab resources include over 90 videos relating to antibiotic usage available on YouTube at the TopMilkQuality channel, and an antibiotic usage benchmarking tool for dairy farmers at the Top Milk Webpage. 

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