2021-2022 Special collection of scientific articles on honey bee research from the Journal of Insect Science

A collection of articles on recent honey bee research is available for free online.

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The Journal of Insect Science partnered with the American Association of Professional Apiculturists to publish a special collection of scientific articles on recent research on honey bees: Honey Bee Research in the United States: Investigating Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Honey Bee Biology.

The articles are open source, so everyone can access them for free. Articles cover topics that affect honey bee health, including varroa mites, pathogens, nutrition, pesticides and many other important topics.

Michigan State University’s Meghan Milbrath and Peter Fowler worked with colleagues Samuel K. Abban, Dawn Lopez, and Jay D. Evans to publish “Validation of Diagnostic Methods for European Foulbrood on Commercial Honey Bee Colonies in the United States.”

To learn more, visit the Honey Bee Research in the United States: Investigating Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Honey Bee Biology special collection from the Journal of Insect Science.

Michigan State University Extension’s apiculture team connects beekeepers and pollinator enthusiasts with researched-based information on bees. You can stay connected by subscribing to MSU's Pollinators and Pollination Event's Newsletter.

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