Packaging Internships

Welcome to this exciting stage in your college career…

The benefits of an internship cannot be stressed enough.  Data shows that graduates who have internship experience get jobs more quickly and at a higher average salary than those without.  Through an internship you will gain a better perspective of the packaging industry and what place you would like to have in it.  The internship will give you a greater sense of confidence in your abilities, conviction in your chosen profession, and savvy of the business world.  An internship will offer personal and professional rewards and benefits that cannot be gained in the classroom. No doubt, this experience will place you in the best possible position for leaving MSU and moving successfully into the packaging industry.  

 Internship Application

The internship application is to enroll in PKG 493.

While the internship is a great learning experience, so is the process of getting one!  Interview and meet as many employers as possible!  Be open in your search to location and industry as this will present the maximum number of opportunities.  Enjoy the process and do your best for only your best will get successful results.  By best that means:

►Watch for new postings daily and apply for many jobs and go on many interviews.

►Do an excellent job on your cover letters and resume

►Be very prepared for interviews.  Employers are seeking enthusiastic, bright and motivated students to fill internship positions, and don’t expect you to have “packaging experience”.  Thus, in interviews, your ability to communicate these qualities including your background, skills, talents, and willingness to work hard and do a good is key.  

Rules and Regulations

To successfully participate in the internship program and to assure fairness and ethical practices, there are rules that must be followed.   It is your responsibility to know and follow these rules.  Failure to do so may result in losing access to the School’s and University’s placement services in future internship or job searches.

  1. You must be officially admitted to the packaging major.
  2. PKG 315, 322 and 323 must be completed before the internship begins.
  3. The internship course allows a second enrollment, so two internships are possible.
  4. Internships are taken in your Junior or Senior year and are not available to you after graduation.
  5. Enrollment is required during all internships (first and second).
  6. It is expected that you will act responsibly and ethically when participating in this program. Thus, it is expected that you will show up for all interviews, cancel interviews with as much notice as possible and not renege on accepted positions.

Enrollment & Course Requirements

  1. Complete the internship application to enroll in the PKG 493 course
  1. Enrollment in PKG 493 is required for all Internships. PKG 493, taken the first, time counts toward your Packaging elective requirements.  Taken the second time (should you get a second  internship) it is counted as general elective credit.  This policy will be strictly enforced.  Students who don’t enroll in the internship course as required will be blocked from using Handshake and will have a “Dean’s Hold” placed on any future enrollment at MSU.  So consider wisely and realize that the experience gained is worth the investment.
  1. PKG 493 is a Pass/No Pass course. To get a “P” grade you will:
  • Successfully complete the full length of the internship.
  • Receive good work performance evaluations.
  • Complete all of the written assignments.
  1. Always enroll in regular classes as you normally would for the entire school year. Once you get a Position, and the coordinator has processed an override, you can add PKG 493 and drop other classes. 

Next Steps:

About the midterm of the semester, the placement coordinator will send out the Notification of Internship form.  Please fill out the form and return it, signed, to the placement coordinator's office.  You will then be required to go to the School’s website and apply for an override to PKG 493.  You will be notified by the academic advisor when the override is granted so that you can sign up for the course.  Once the D2L site is set up (you will be e-mailed when it is available), you should complete the “Before You Leave” section.  All coursework for the class will be administered through D2L, so check the site often.

Work with the employer to arrange housing for your internship.  They should give you assistance with this, although it may be your responsibility to find and arrange a place to stay.  In most cases you can also work with the student currently on internship at that company.  Also, view the Compensation & Housing Reports and Student Internship Reviews on the Packaging Internship Website.

Be aware of the fact that there will be some out-of-pocket expenses that you will need to cover when taking an internship.  These might include housing deposits, utility hook-ups, clothes, etc.  Although most employers will cover travel expenses it is often offered on a reimbursement basis and depending on the pay cycle it may be a week or two before you get your first paycheck.

 Internship Application

The internship application is to enroll in PKG 493.