Brian K Petroff, DVM, PhD

Brian Petroff

Contact Me

Associate Professor of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation

517 432 4685


Image of Brian Petroff

Educational/Degree Information

DVM, Ohio State University, 1998

PhD, Ohio State University, 1996, Physiology

BS, Ohio State University, 1992, Animal Science

Research Interests

Endocrine disruption and infertility share a number of suspected disease pathways and risk factors. My laboratory focuses upon the characterization and antagonism of promising targets in animal models. Major research efforts include assay development within the Endocrinology service at DCPAH, and characterization and alleviation of the premature loss of female fertility with age and chemotherapy or toxicant exposure. A novel focus of our work concerns the impact of selective estrogen receptor modulators on normal and precancerous breast and ovarian tissue and the follicular reserve.

