10 Cents a Meal for Michigan's Kids & Farms Evaluation Findings 2022-2023 StoryMap
December 4, 2024 - Megan McManus, May Tsupros , Cheyenne Liberti
10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids and Farms (10 Cents a Meal) is administered by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) and matches what participating schools and other non-school sponsors spend on Michigan-grown fruits, vegetables, and dry beans. Each year, the MSU Center for Regional Food Systems evaluates the impact of this matching grant program.
This ArcGIS StoryMap reflects the findings of the 10 Cents a Meal 2022–2023 Evaluation Results: Sustaining Momentum for Michigan’s Future. In addition to key report findings, they also include a Grantee Data Dashboard and specially curated ArcGIS maps by the Michigan Department of Education.
To open the StoryMap in your browser, click the button below.
This evaluation work was conducted with support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and 10 Cents administrative funds for organizational partners.
Featured Story Authors:
- Amanda Brezzell, Policy & Engagement Specialist, Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
- Melanie Tran, Farm to Early Care and Education Specialist, Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities
ArcGIS Maps Author:
- Cheyenne Liberti, Farm to Program Consultant, Michigan Department of Education