STEM On-Request Interactive Zoom Programs
September 24, 2020
These opportunities are available to teachers, parents and homeschool families interested in connecting with MSU Extension staff through live, interactive Zoom connections. To request these virtual programs, please reach out to the staff person listed.
Junk Drawer Robotics Camp
Explore the world of engineering using the National 4-H Junk Drawer Robotics curricula in this four day (one hour per day) camp! Youth will learn about various engineering concepts through hands-on activities and explore their creativity through building catapults, clipmobiles, and arm joints between each days’ session. Supply lists and outline of lesson plans to go along with the National 4-H curricula are available.
Most appropriate for grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 and special needs. *Note this training is only available to Eaton County schools.
Contact: Kristy Oosterhouse,