4-H Committees
4-H Council
The 4-H Council is an advisory board chosen to represent the 4-H leaders and members of Tuscola County. They work with MSU Extension staff to support, guide and promote the Tuscola County 4-H Youth Development Program. The 4-H Council’s functions include:
- Assist in planning and development of county 4-H programs based on the needs of young people in the county and in carrying out the planned programs.
- Evaluate the county 4-H program on a continuing basis.
- Confer and cooperate with the MSU Extension staff and in partnership, raise and manage funds to support planned programs.
- Sponsor county recognition for 4-H members and leaders.
- Promote the objectives and philosophy of 4-H and serve in an advocacy role.
- Represent the interests of the county program at other meetings and events.
- Help organize new clubs and establish new projects.
- Develop and maintain an active membership that believes their responsibility is to enhance and support the Tuscola County 4-H Program through Michigan State University Extension.
Council meetings usually occur on the third Monday of every month at 7:45 p.m. at the MSU Extension office.
4-H Youth Council
The Tuscola County 4-H Youth Council, a sub-committee of the Tuscola County 4-H Council, is open to all interested 4-H members 12 to 19 years of age. Local youth meet to plan and carryout activities. Events include educational workshops, social events, and community service work. They have some fantastic ideas and are looking for even more! All activities will be planned and carried out by youth; with adult support provided only as needed. Youth Council does not hold meetings on a regular schedule. Please contact MSU Extension for meeting dates and times if you are interested in serving on this important committee!
Horse Leaders Committee
The Horse Committee does not hold meetings on a regular schedule. These meetings are open to all horse leaders. Contact MSU Extension for the next meeting date and time.
Horse show schedule for 2025 - All shows are Open and held at the Tuscola County Fairgrounds unless other wise stated.
Fridays, May 2, 16, June 6, 20, July 11, Sept 5, 2025 - Silver Buckle Speed Show Series
Sunday, June 1, 2025 - Blue Water Horseman's Association Shows
Large Livestock Committee
The Large Livestock Committee does not hold meetings on a regular schedule. These meetings are open to anyone who has an interest in large livestock 4-H projects (beef, feeders, sheep, and swine). Contact MSU Extension for the next meeting date and time.
Small Livestock Committee
Small Livestock Committee meetings usually occur once a month at the MSU Extension office. Please call to confirm dates and times. These meetings are open to anyone who has an interest in small livestock 4-H projects (rabbits, poultry, goats, and dogs).