Evaluate Your Fen (Plant Facts)
These plants are indicators to help you determine whether you have prairie fen, and to help you assess the progress of your prairie fen restoration. The species included here are those that you are most likely to find at different stages in restoration in the sedge meadow sub-community of prairie fens. They are in three broad groups: plants found in degraded areas, plants you are likely to find in recently restored or disturbed areas, and plants characteristic of high-quality fen.
These species were chosen as representatives for several reasons: they are primarily wildflowers that are straightforward to identify when flowering, and they are quite common in many fens. There are many more plant species than those listed here, especially sedges and grass species. In addition, remember to look for other signs that you have a prairie fen, including peat and marl soils, and water seeps. The best time of year to assess your fen based on plants is in late August and early September, when many of the larger flowering species are in bloom.
Click for a list of plant species sorted by:
Habitat quality
Low includes species that are invasive or would be found in shaded areas with invasive species. Medium includes species that become more common in the several years following restoration activities. High includes species that would be found in intact prairie fens, that is, areas that have few invasive species and are not densely shrubbed in. Species may be found in more than one of those situations, so some are included in more than one of these categories.
Low quality
- American skunk cabbage
- American water horehound
- Canada thistle
- Cattail
- Clearweed
- Climbing nightshade
- Common buckthorn
- Dwarf raspberry, dwarf red blackberry
- Enchanter’s nightshade
- Glossy buckthorn
- Golden ragwort
- Great blue lobelia
- Multiflora rose
- Northern bugleweed
- Northern spicebush
- Ohio goldenrod
- Poison sumac
- Purple loosestrife
- Reed canarygrass
- Rough-stemmed goldenrod
- Roundleaf goldenrod
- Sensitive fern
Medium quality
- American burnweed
- American water horehound
- Arrowleaf tearthumb
- Bottlebrush sedge
- Clearweed
- Climbing nightshade
- Common boneset
- Devil’s beggartick
- Ditch stonecrop
- Eastern marsh fern
- False nettle
- Fowl mannagrass
- Golden ragwort
- Great blue lobelia
- Green bulrush
- Jewelweed
- Marsh skullcap
- Northern bugleweed
- Ohio goldenrod
- Poison sumac
- Purpleleaf willowherb
- Riddell’s goldenrod
- Rough-stemmed goldenrod
- Roundleaf goldenrod
- Sensitive fern
- Swamp milkweed
- Swamp thistle
- Virginia mountainmint
- White panicle aster
High quality
- American water horehound
- Alder-leaved buckthorn
- Black-eyed Susan
- Common goldstar
- Eastern marsh fern
- Flat-topped aster
- Fourflower yellow loosestrife
- Golden ragwort
- Grass-of-Parnassus
- Great blue lobelia
- Joe-pye weed
- Northern bugleweed
- Ohio goldenrod
- Poison sumac
- Purplestem aster
- Riddell’s goldenrod
- Rough-stemmed goldenrod
- Roundleaf goldenrod
- Sensitive fern
- Shrubby cinquefoil
- Swamp milkweed
- Swamp rose
- Swamp thistle
- Twig-rush
- Upright sedge
- Virginia mountainmint
- White panicle aster
Common name
- Alderleaf buckthorn
- American burnweed
- American skunk cabbage
- American water horehound
- Arrowleaf tearthumb
- Black-eyed Susan
- Bottlebrush sedge
- Canada thistle
- Cattail
- Clearweed
- Climbing nightshade
- Common boneset
- Common buckthorn
- Common goldstar
- Devil’s beggartick
- Ditch stonecrop
- Dwarf raspberry, dwarf red blackberry
- Eastern marsh fern
- Enchanter’s nightshade
- False nettle
- Flat-topped aster
- Fourflower yellow loosestrife
- Fowl mannagrass
- Glossy buckthorn
- Golden ragwort
- Grass-of-Parnassus
- Great blue lobelia
- Green bulrush
- Jewelweed
- Joe-pye weed
- Marsh skullcap
- Multiflora rose
- Northern bugleweed
- Northern spicebush
- Ohio goldenrod
- Poison sumac
- Purple loosestrife
- Purpleleaf willowherb
- Purplestem aster
- Reed canarygrass
- Riddell’s goldenrod
- Rough-stemmed goldenrod
- Roundleaf goldenrod
- Sensitive fern
- Shrubby cinquefoil
- Swamp milkweed
- Swamp rose
- Swamp thistle
- Twig-rush
- Upright sedge
- Virginia mountainmint
- White panicle aster
Scientific name
- Asclepias incarnata
- Aster lanceolatus
- Aster puniceus
- Aster umbellatus
- Bidens frondosa
- Boehmeria cylindrica
- Carex hystericina
- Carex stricta
- Circaea lutetiana
- Cirsium arvense
- Cirsium muticum
- Cladium mariscoides
- Epilobium coloratum
- Erechtites hieraciifolia
- Eupatorium maculatum
- Eupatorium perfoliatum
- Frangula alnus
- Glyceria striata
- Hypoxis hirsuta
- Impatiens capensis
- Lindera benzoin
- Lobelia siphilitica
- Lycopus americanus
- Lycopus uniflorus
- Lysimachia quadriflora
- Lythrum salicaria
- Onoclea sensibilis
- Parnassia glauca
- Penthorum sedoides
- Phalaris arundinacea
- Pilea pumila
- Polygonum sagittatum
- Potentilla fruticosa
- Pycnanthemum virginianum
- Rhamnus alnifolia
- Rhamnus cathartica
- Rosa multiflora
- Rosa palustris
- Rubus pubescens
- Rudbeckia hirta
- Scirpus atrovirens
- Scutellaria galericulata
- Senecio aureus
- Solanum dulcamara
- Solidago ohioensis
- Solidago patula
- Solidago riddellii
- Solidago rugosa
- Symplocarpus foetidus
- Thelypteris palustris
- Toxicodendron vernix
- Typha
- American skunk cabbage
- Black-eyed Susan
- Common goldstar
- Devil's beggartick
- Fourflower yellow loosestrife
- Golden ragwort
- Northern spicebush
- Ohio goldenrod
- Riddell's goldenrod
- Rough-stemmed goldenrod
- Roundleaf goldenrod
- Shrubby cinquefoil
- Canada thistle
- Climbing nightshade
- Great blue lobelia
- Marsh skullcap
- Purple loosestrife
- Swamp thistle
- American water horehound
- Arrowleaf tearthumb
- Grass-of-Parnassus
- Joe-pye weed
- Swamp milkweed
- Swamp rose
- Common boneset
- Dwarf raspberry, dwarf red blackberry
- Enchanter’s nightshade
- False nettle
- Flat-topped aster
- Glossy buckthorn
- Grass-of-Parnassus
- Multiflora rose
- Northern bugleweed
- Virginia mountainmint
- White panicle aster
No flowers/flowers not readily obvious
- Bottlebrush sedge
- Cattail
- Eastern marsh fern
- Fowl mannagrass
- Green bulrush
- Reed canarygrass
- Sensitive fern
- Twig-rush
- Upright sedge
Flower type
When plants are in bloom, they may be identified by the number and arrangement of flower parts. A detailed description of each classification can be found on the third page of each fact sheet.
No flowers
Flowers not readily obvious
Parts indistinguishable
- American burnweed
- Arrowleaf tearthumb
- Canada thistle
- Clearweed
- Common boneset
- Devil’s beggartick
- False nettle
- Joe-pye weed
- Ohio goldenrod
- Riddell’s goldenrod
- Rough-stemmed goldenrod
- Roundleaf goldenrod
- Swamp thistle
- American skunk cabbage
- American water horehound
- Great blue lobelia
- Jewelweed
- Marsh skullcap
- Northern bugleweed
- Purple loosestrife
- Virginia mountainmint
Five regular parts
- Alderleaf buckthorn
- Climbing nightshade
- Common buckthorn
- Ditch stonecrop
- Dwarf raspberry, dwarf red blackberry
- Fourflower yellow loosestrife
- Grass-of-Parnassus
- Glossy buckthorn
- Multiflora rose
- Poison sumac
- Shrubby cinquefoil
- Swamp milkweed
- Swamp rose
Six regular parts
Seven or more regular parts
Fewer than five regular parts
- Enchanter’s nightshade - 2-3 regular parts
- Purpleleaf willowherb - 4 regular parts
Plant type
Plant species are sorted by their growth habit here, based on how long they live, how they grow, and whether they grow woody stems that persist into the next growing season.
Flowering annual
Flowering perennial
- American burnweed
- American skunk cabbage
- American water horehound
- Arrowleaf tearthumb
- Black-eyed Susan
- Climbing nightshade
- Common goldstar
- Enchanter’s nightshade
- Devil’s beggartick
- Ditch stonecrop
- Dwarf raspberry, dwarf red blackberry
- False nettle
- Flat-topped aster
- Fourflower yellow loosestrife
- Golden ragwort
- Grass-of- Parnassus
- Great blue lobelia
- Jewelweed
- Joe-pye weed
- Marsh skullcap
- Northern bugleweed
- Ohio goldenrod
- Purple loosestrife
- Purpleleaf willowherb
- Purplestem aster
- Riddell’s goldenrod
- Roundleaf goldenrod
- Rough-stemmed goldenrod
- Swamp milkweed
- Virginia mountainmint
- White panicle aster
Flowering biennial
- Alderleaf buckthorn
- Common buckthorn
- Glossy buckthorn
- Multiflora rose
- Northern spicebush
- Poison sumac
- Shrubby cinquefoil
- Swamp rose