Allie Sexton

Allie Sexton

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Ph.D. Student
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife


Major Advisor:

Cheryl Murphy


Alexandra (Allie) earned two bachelor of science degrees in Environmental Science & Management and Environmental Studies & Sustainability from Michigan State University with a minor in Science, Technology, Environment, and Public Policy. During her studies, she assisted with various research ranging from art-science integration to environmental toxicology. For three years she assisted in teaching introductory chemistry labs at Lyman Briggs College and hopes that undergraduate education will be a large component of her future career. As a PhD student in the Fisheries and Wildlife / Environmental Toxicology program, Allie’s graduate research is advised by Cheryl Murphy at the Center for PFAS Research and Oak Ridge National Laboratory studying the bioaccumulation and sublethal effects of PFAS mixtures in aquatic organisms.

Affiliated Page:

Center for PFAS Research