MDARD Specialty Crop Block Grant Program


Specialty Crop Block Grant Program 

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How it Works 

This is a grant administered by each state’s Department of Agriculture. The State Department of Agriculture will grant funds to competitive specialty crops. Specialty crops are described as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture). Food hubs or food hub related businesses working with a specialty crop may consider applying for this grant program. 

Funding Focuses On  

The program aims to improve the competitiveness of specialty crops pertaining to the issues of: 

  • Food Safety 
  • Marketing 
  • Nutrition 
  • Plant health 
  • Value added/industry development 

Funding Limit  

$100,000 for research and $125,000 for marketing 


Funds will only be awarded to stakeholders who focus on the promotion of specialty crops. 

Financing Geographic Area   

Michigan (for Michigan's program—each state has its own program)


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