USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program
Community Food Projects Competitive Grants Program
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How it Works
This program funds three types of projects:
- Community food projects
- Planning projects
- Training and technical assistance projects
- Applicants must be a private non-profit entity; however, could be a group of food hubs or food-related businesses coming together for a common goal
Funding Focuses On
Projects that meet the needs of low-income individuals through food distribution and access, and community outreach to assist in participation of federal nutrition programs. Projects may also focus on the equipment necessary for the efficient operation of a project as well as the creation of innovative marketing activities that jointly benefit agricultural producers and underserved communities.
Funding Limit
$10,000–$400,000 from 1 to 4 years
This is a 100% matching grant. The grantee must provide documentation that matching funds are available. Public food program service providers may apply, as well as tribal organizations, or private nonprofit entities.
Financing Geographic Area
United States