USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Small Business Innovation Research


NIFA Small Business Innovation Research Grant

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How it Works

This grant gives small businesses the opportunity to research their technological potential. A food hub or food hub-related business researching technological innovations with the potential for commercializing such research would be a good candidate for this research grant.

Funding Focuses On

Research should seek to identify technological innovations, implement the commercialization of these innovations, and encourage participation by businesses owned and/or operated by women and individuals who may be socially and economically disadvantaged. A list of research topics is available on the website listed above.

Funding Limit

Each phase of the project has a different Funding Limit ranging from $100,000–$600,000. Funding may depend on availability from National Institutes of Health (NIH) and NIH Centers.


Small businesses or proprietorships, which could include a food hub or could include a food-related business. There are three project phases; for more information, visit the website above.

Financing Geographic Area 

United States


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