Whole Foods Market, Local Producer Loan Program


Whole Foods Market Local Producer Loan Program 

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How it Works 

Whole Foods Market lends money through the Local Producer Loan Program to small, local, independent producers to help them expand their businesses. Applications are accepted online and at any time. 

Funding Focuses On  

Capital expansion or expenditures (e.g. buy more animals, expand crops, or invest in new equipment or infrastructure).

Funding Limit  



  • Must meet Whole Foods Market’s quality standards and standards for animal welfare 
  • Have a viable business plan and adequate cash flow to service debt 
  • Loan amount must not exceed 80% of the total project cost
  • Collateral required
  • Be a local producer of a high-quality product 

Desired Qualifications  

  • Be expanding or broadening production, as opposed to starting a new venture or simply covering existing operating expenses 
  • Be located within a few hours’ drive time of a Whole Foods Market store 
  • Be an organic or animal compassionate producer 
  • Have an existing, positive relationship with Whole Foods market

Financing Geographic Area   

United States


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