Are you getting enough good sleep? The SLeep Education for Everyone Program can help you improve your health and rest, with a convenient six-week class series.

The SLEEP project logo.Good sleep is essential for our optimal health and well-being, but how do we know if we're getting enough or too much? Or if our sleep quality is good enough? 

The SLeep Education for Everyone Program (SLEEP) can help. SLEEP — developed by researchers, a certified sleep medicine specialist, Michigan State University Extension educators, and a group of older adult participants — teaches participants how to improve their sleep quality. 

The program consists of six 30-minute sessions, delivered either virtually or in person. Topics covered include sleep hygiene best practices, Stimulus Control Therapy, mindfulness and relaxation, relationships between sleep and physical activity, sleep myths, and more.

What to expect

During each session, participants will:

    • Review their progress, including successes and challenges.
    • View a short instructional video with a new topic, and engage in discussion
    • Set personal goals.
    • Brainstorm solutions to potential obstacles to good sleep, and share with other participants.

Following the last session, participants will also receive monthly informational emails for six months, along with a survey to report progress. 

In 2023 . . .


people took an MSU Extension SLEEP course.


MSU Extension instructors were trained to deliver SLEEP.


SLEEP series were delivered across the state.