
What can better sleep do for you?
Participants of MSU Extension's SLeep Education for Everyone Program share their thoughts and experiences with the program:
A sleeping man.
"I learned not to get frustrated if I can't fall asleep or if I wake up during the night . . . instead I stay calm, pull out my 'toolbox', and take action."
"I loved the sleep class . . . I used to dread bedtime not knowing how the night would go. The best tool for me is the guided meditation videos on YouTube. I look forward to that. I like having a timeline for myself to remind me to stop the caffeine, listen to relaxing music and take a hot bath."
 "I am truly amazed at how much I have learned in this brief course and how much it has improved my sleep habits (and quality of sleep)."
"I feel more refreshed and energized. I am thinking more clearly, my memory/attention span has improved, and my mood is definitely consistent, whereas I had more ups/downs prior to taking the SLEEP course."
"Now that I understand more about the importance of good sleep habits, I have begun practicing them, incrementally, over the length of this course."