One-Stop-Shop: Finance


Purchase Requests

Purchase Request Forms must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to when the item or services is needed (including consideration that shipping times can vary).

Purchases that require a requisition and purchase order can take longer.

IT (Information Technology) purchases will require a special form.


Reimbursement Requests

A reimbursement agreement must be approved BEFORE the purchase that is to be reimbursed is made.

To request approval for reimbursement, before the purchase is made, please e-mail Janelle Curtis at:


Catering/Food Requests

Catering and/or Food Request Forms should be submitted preferably two (2) weeks in advance.


Add/Remove Accounts from Monthly Financial Reports

Requests to add or remove accounts from monthly financial reports must be submitted by the 10th of each month.

Requests should be sent directly to Janelle Curtis at: