C3. Plant Growth Management

Core Ideas within this competency:

Nutrient Application

Apply nutrients to plants for economic growth. Describe methods of nutrient application (broadcasting, side-dressing, compost, etc).

Nutrient Cycles

Nutrient Cycles would include the Carbon Cycle, Oxygen Cycle and the Nitrogen Cycle.

Nutrient & Waste Management

Identify common storage and management of nutrients, develop a disposal plan for waste water and organic material, establish an emergency plan for possible environmental discharge or spills, as well as an operational and maintenance plan.

Nutrient Management, Pollution, and Checks

Develop a farm/greenhouse nutrient management plan.

Nutrient Plan

Develop a nutrient plan with an emphasis on timely application for optimum plant growth.

Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies

Describe nutrient deficiency symptoms and recognize environmental causes of nutrient deficiencies. Understand the interdependence of nutrients and their uptake.

Sources of Nutrients

Identify organic and synthetic nutrients used in plant propagation.


Compost can serve as a fertilizer for different soil media.

Fertilizer Calculations

Calculate the amount of fertilizer to be applied and calibrate equipment to apply the prescribed amount of fertilizer.

Fertilizer Labels

Understanding the information provided on a standard fertilizer label.

Aquaponics and Hydroponics

Aquaponics and hydroponics involve the production of plants using water intensive systems.

Intro/Basics of Hydroponics

Hydroponics is the growing of plants with a nontraditional media.

Specialized Chemicals

There are a variety of chemicals that can be derived from plants that advance science.

Plant Care

A discussion of plant care in relation to plant management could include watering schedules and systems, pest control schedules and systems, fertilization and soil amendment schedules and systems, and pruning or thinning schedules.


Summary for pH will go here!

Soil Drainage

Summary will go here for Soil Drainage.

Storing Soil Mixtures

When you develop your soil mixtures/media, it is best to find a way to store the material so it doesn’t go to waste.

Types of Growing Media

Growing media differs based on the environment and specific uses.

Soil Profiling & Analysis

Collect and test soil/media.  Identify slope, structure, texture, horizons, and type. 

Soil Test and Analysis

Interpret soil test results based on macronutrients (N-P-K) and other characteristics. Example: pH, cation exchange capacity, drainage, structure.

Soil Surveys

Identify functions, uses, and/or limitations of local soil series and associations.

Water Cycle

The Water Cycle is the movement of water within the atmosphere.