C1. Agricultural Plants

Core Ideas within this competency:

Classify Plants Based on Leaf and Structures

Compare similarities and differences of plants by individual characteristics. Incorporate the structure of a dichotomous key, explain how binomial nomenclature was developed, show basic plant anatomical differences by species

Dichotomous Keys

Explain the use of botanical nomenclature (plant structure) to identify species.

Using Dichotomous Key to Compare Plants by their Structural Differences

Demonstrate the use of a dichotomous key to identify plant species by traits and specific characteristics such as leaf, bark, bud and others. Show major categorical differences between gymnosperms and angiosperms.

Hierarchical Classification

Hierarchical classification is a system of grouping things according to a hierarchy, or levels and orders.

Importance of Taxonomy

Identify agriculturally important plants by common name. Example of Classifications: Forage Crops, Oil Crops, Grain Crops.


Study of how to classify living things using dichotomous keys and scientific naming.

Plant Cells

Plant cells contain many key structures that are vital to a study of plant physiology and energy conversion. 


Mitosis refers to the process of somatic cell reproduction and is responsible for plant growth.  Mitosis occurs mainly in meristematic regions in plants.

Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration and Energy Conversion

Photosynthesis is the process by which energy is converted to chemical energy in plant cells.  In cellular respiration plants use the chemical energy stored during photosynthesis in basic life processes.

Plant Physiology

Plant physiology refers to the functions of specific plant parts. This can include concepts such as specific organ function, energy flow, growth, disease resistance, and nutrition.

Plant Reproductive Anatomy

Lessons under this core idea would pertain to knowing about male and female parts. The functions of the different parts should be discussed, like the purpose of a flower, stamen, pistil, etc.

Plant Structures

Plant structures describe the way that the plant is organized and works together. Different systems within a plant could include the shoot, root and leaf system.