C4. Crop and Pest Management

Core Ideas within this competency:

Organic Certification

Organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods.

Record Keeping

Collect proper production records including application dates and rates, crop yields, planting and harvest dates by yield and field, emergency field response, maintenance and equipment calibration activity records.

Crop Production and Management

A discussion of crop production looks specifically at field, row, or orchard crops. 

Scouting & Crop Management

Evaluate propagation materials for pests and disease, prepare soil for planting with the addition of amendments such as lime and fertilizer.

Crop Treatment and Application

Identify greenhouse productions zones, establish and implement spray programs.

Plant Diseases

Diseases are bound to occur in your greenhouse, but it is important to be able to properly ID and know how to treat them.

Greenhouse/Hoop House Production and Management

Greenhouse/hoop house production and management would include things such as planting dates and schedules, temperature control methods and schedules, watering system schedules and methods, pest control schedules and methods, and harvest schedules.

Greenhouse/Garden Crop Harvest

Planning is key when going to harvest produce.

Chemical Regulations

First, identify the current chemical regulations for safe chemical handling within the workplace.

Controlling Fungus/Diseases

There is a good chance that diseases or pests will show up in the greenhouse.

IPM Methodology

Methods of practicing IPM include using biological controls, cultural controls, mechanical and physical controls, and chemical controls.

Steps of IPM

The steps of IPM include setting action thresholds, monitoring and identifying pests, prevention, and control.

Pest Management & Identification

Pest management in agriculture involves identifying pests and implementing control strategies to protect crops effectively

Invasive Species

An invasive species is one that is not native to its current environment and causes damage to the overall ecosystem.


When developing a production plan for landscaping there are many aspects to consider.

Weed Management and Identification

Show or explain what makes a weed as either noxious, invasive or as an economically impactful plant. Identify how plants are able to resist chemical or other management techniques.

Preparing Growing Media

This core idea is all about how you get your potting materials together to complete a planting.


Sterilization has to do with getting rid of microbes and fungus that could be growing within the media that you can reuse in the future.

Safety Procedures

Safety procedures are written methods outlining how to perform a task with minimum risk to people, equipment, materials, environment, and processes.