Tips for Obtaining Funding

Obtaining the funding you need may come down to your ability to write an effective grant or loan application. Paying attention to the details can help you get the money your business needs. Consider watching how-to webinars, attending workshops, and reading more about what needs to be included in a grant or loan application.

Grant Writing

No- or low-cost webinars & workshops

Resources to review prior to submission

Loan Applications

No- or low-cost webinars & workshops

Resources to review prior to submission

Additional Sources of Funding Information

Beginning Farmers

A compilation of information resources on farm financing, finding land, business planning, agricultural production, marketing, and more for farmers, researchers, and policy makers. Farm financing includes the following grants and loans resources:

  • USDA loan programs
  • Other federal financial options
  • Public and private organizations funding
  • State loan programs
  • Farm Credit Cooperative system
  • Commercial lenders

Learn more

Sustainable Agriculture & Food System Funders

Hosts a website with links to several resources intended to help non-government organizations (NGO’s) navigate the philanthropic world, including:

  • Candid: Training, tools, and resources for non-profit funding

Learn more

Food+Tech Connect

A resource center for innovators and entrepreneurs in food, agriculture, health, and technology. The website provides information of the latest news, analysis, potential new funding sources, and research as well as listing training and networking events for food entrepreneurs.

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